
CORRESPONDENCE. 75 TO MRS. HARDY. AMHERST, September 23, 1867. I moved to the College (N;:>rth College, No. 8) last Saturday. Prof. Seelye got for me all things which I need, and I paid up for them all, because he thought it is not best way to make little debts here and there. I send a list to you so that you may know how many things I bought and how much I paid for them. I wish you would send some money to me to get daily wants. I will make an oath to you that I will never spend money foolishly, but be very pru­dent, because my Heavenly Father provides all good things for me so that I can say: "I shall not want." When I buy anything I will write down each time and will show it to you sometime. My room is quite large and very pleasant. My roommate is very quiet, nice, and Christian young man. I am thankful I have found such a young man to room with. 'V e keep up our daily duty toward our Heavenly Father by faith and prayers. I enjoy to board in Club. We have a very nice table generally. I joined to the missionary band in the College. We have interesting meetings every Sabbath morning. It is very pleasant for us to meet together, sing, praise our Maker, and ask Him that he would help us to carry the glad tidings to poor heathens. I am thankful that God called me out of the darkness and made me know the place where I may rest the eternal rest. There­fore I am entirely willing to preach the Gospel to my countrymen so that they may also be happy as I am. When I proclaim the truth to them perhaps they will persecute me, but I am not afraid of it, having this confidence in Jesus that though I should die in the


