
PROGRESS IN STUDIES. 69 We have noticed Joseph's mental and moral de­velopment with intense interest and the greatest pleas­ure. During the first eight months after reaching Andover, notwithstanding his very little knowledge of English, he mastered the whole of arithmetic. His progress in other branches has been hardly less marked. He has been a most faithful and diligent student of the Bible, and has feasted his soul upon it. I h~ve never known a peTson more absorbed in a. novel than he in the Word of God. He has apprehended its meaning more readily than that of any other book. As the meaning of some new passage has flashed upon his mind his soul has been most profoundly moved. He is a gentleman in his manners. I have never, in a single instance, known him to be rude. His sense of propriety is most acute, and is often most beautiful. He fully appreciates all that is done for him. His gratitude to his instructors and benefactors seems to know no limit. His religious progress has been remarkable. I think he was converted before he reached Andover. As soon as truth reached his mind he seemed to be all ready to embrace it. He does his duty faithfully, fearlessly. Without doubt he would go to the stake rather than deny his Master. I have reason to believe he is most faithful in his secret devo­tions. He loves the society of the most devoted Chris­tians. He is modest and retiring and his true worth does not immediately appear, but he is one of the no­blest of men, and is worthy the fullest confidence. His word is truth. He will study all he is able to study without injury. Any funds in his hands will be most frugally spent; he needs no watching. His progress in speaking English has hardly kept pace with his progTess in mastering the structure of the


