
CORRESPONDENCE. 67 From the first I have felt that it was a privilege to have his influence thrown in my way. It has been a talisman oftentimes to check my forgetful heart, and for this reason even I am very sorry to have him leave us. In him we are brought to see how truly we arc one in Christ, -the whole family of man. My dear Mrs. Hardy, I feel that as God in his providence has given you the means and the heart to take this heaven-directed wanderer into your charge, you have found a diamond of which the world is not worthy, of which you may well be proud, and that there will come into your soul a wealth o£ satisfaction which is its own reward. Joseph will shine anywhere. I hope the change to Amherst will be advantageous to him. At first he felt that he was hardly fit for college, but he is willing to acquiesce in all your plans, feeling they are made in his best interest. . . . He is careful to a fault, and shrinks from asking for necessary things, not because of your unwillingness, but from his high-born nature and manly character. \Ve are sorry to lose his influ­ence from our midst. May God prosper him and you. FROM EPHRAIM FLTh'T, JR., TO l'IIR. HARDY. ANDOVR:R, Augu>t 29, 1867. . Please accept the thanks of Mrs. Flint and myself for your very kind reference to our instructions of Joseph, and for what you are pleased to term "our kind and valuable interest in him." We expect no higher pleasure in any work this side of heaven than we have experienced in instructing and in attempting to guide Joseph in the ways of virtue and knowledge. Though I have t::tught for years, I have never been so


