
VACATION AT CHATHAM. 61 in the interval of many showers. . . . I took my seat unfortunately in the ba~k part of the car, not knowing future oecurrences. When we came to Tremont the conductor called out the changing of the cars, but I was reading a book in whieh I was much interested, anrl the same time a pretty heavy shower passed us, so tlnt I could not hear his calling. When I thought that I had come to an halfway place where I changed cars when I came to Chatham the last time, not know­ing the cars changed some time ago I asked a gentle­man how far is the place where I may change cars to go to Chatham. He said, "Chatham ! " much sur­prised, and told me "you have the wrong train now. You cannot go to Chatham to-night because this will go to New Bedford." I told the conductor about it and showed him my tick(~t to Chatham. He was a very good and kind man. He said: "You cannot help it now, and you must go to the next station, New Bedford; " and he said also he would not charge me at all. I came to Fair Haven about 7 o'clock P. l\L Between it and New Bedford thare lies a large river. I crossed it by a ferryboat and arrived at the city of New Bedford safely. I knew not anybody there at all, therefore I thought it would be a safe way to find the right kind of people. ·when I found a church I asked a gentle­man about its denomination and its minister's name. He answered me very kindly: "It is an Orthodox church, and the minister's name is Mr. C--." I asked him about his residence. He showed me his house very plainly. When I went to his house and rang the bell, a young lady came to the door. I asked her to see Rev. Mr. C--a moment. She took me to the beautiful parlor and gave me a chair,


