
CORRESPONDENCE. 57 C-, I pray to God for your blessing and I believe He will answer my prayer. Won't you pray to Him? I think He will hear your prayer and bless you." Then she answered: "Joseph, I thank you for your kindness," bursting in tears; and she cried out quite loud, "0 Lord, have compassion on me, and show me thy mercy through Jesus Christ." She cried twice in this manner. At that time Mrs. Hidden was down­stairs. She heard then this crying, and thought very strangely, and came up to her chamber door and asked me : "What matter is it? " I told her she made prayer. She said: "Does she make prayer? I never heard her make prayer, nor noticed it in my life. I am very glad about it." Then she asked her: "Do you trust in Jesus?" She said: "Yes, live or die, I trust in Him." She is aged about three score and ten, but never said anything regard Jesus, nor made prayer; but from my single question in that Sabbath evening she turned her heart unto Him who takes sins away from the world. . . . I believe the Lord will hear her earnest prayer and guide her into everlasting habitation. . . . TO MRS. HARDY. ANDOVER, October 27, 1866. . . . I am very well through the tender care of God. I enjoy very much my studies in this term. My eyes are quite well, so that I can study during the day, and in the night, least one hour and half or two. In the beginning of this term I took Romans for my evening study, and read through it a week ago. Mr. Flint interested me very much and explained it for me. Now I am reading first Corinthians. Last Friday Capt. Taylor's wife wrote a. letter to me, and


