
CORRESPONDENCE. 55 tender and merciful Father who made us, loved us, and gave his c.nly begotten Son through whom we may be saved. But the law ought to be broken because it is made by the Devil, the King of the world. The world was not made by the Devil, but by our true Father who gave unto us his true law. 0 friend, whether then is right to hearken unto the Devil more than unto God, please judge you. If the fierce Devil persecute you for righteousness' sake, don't trouble yourself. I am sure your God will protect you from evil, and though your body should be killed, your soul would be received unto Him, and you would d}Vell in the brighter place with eternal life. I would like indeed to go there with you. Your truly friend, NEESIMA SHIMETA. TO MRS. HARDY. ANDOVER, April l), 1866. I am very glad springtime has come and weather becomes warmer and pleasanter day by day, birds singing here and there, and grass becoming green on the wayside, fields, and hills. I hear farm­ers will sow seed in the ground pretty soon. I say · myself, I must try to sow seed in my heart and mind, that I may bear fruit unto everlasting life. When I grow weary by study I take a walk for exercise. Now it is too warm to wear my overcoat, and the overcoat which you gave me for spring wear is very suitable for this season. I feel very happy for your charitable love. I have spent this vacation in reading, writing composition, drawing, and tt·anfilating the Gospel of John in the .Japane:-;e language. Please accept these, in which I have written account of the Japanese reli~


