
CORRESPONDENCE. 51 opened them in their at present somewhat private life; and really the benefit he derives from Mr. Flint is far greater than from the teaeher in the academy, though he needs contact with school life. We find Joseph a gentleman, and it is to our shame as a Christian community that we are not more in advance of this "heathen brought to our own door," as one has said. When, by his own artless conversation we are led to see how he has resisted temptations thrown in his way, and shown himself an example of good report, we are led to feel that the hand of God is upon him, and that he may yet become a chosen vessel in the redemp­tion of his people from darkness and idolatry to the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God. He has been very busy through the vacation with his studies. We cari hardly avoid giving him consid­erable attention, as something needs to be explained or corrected very often. He is very grateful for any favors shown him, and is ready to do any in return. He is very skillful with his China-brush, and I have suggested to him to send to you a specimen of his drawing. . . • He has a profound sense of gratitude for what you are doing for him, and seems only to wish to be comfortable. His aim appears to be the good of his people, and his health he feels to be an important consideration. I have no fancy or desire to take boarders, and should not in this instance except for the peculiar cir­cumstances. We have made him a regular member of the family; he sits with us all the time and shares all the privileges of the family. It is not often that we find one who can be received in this way without a feeling of intrusion, but he is an exception.


