
EARLY REMINISCENCES. 43 had done the same thing for my neighbors, and was often successful in curing them." Of his grandfather, for whom he entertained the warmest love, he says : -" He performed his duty faithfully as steward for forty years. He often entreated the prince to dismiss him from office because, being well stricken with years, he found its duties rather tedious. After sev­eral entreaties he was permitted to retire with honor and a pension, when seventy-eight years of age, just one year before my leaving home. He took especial pains to instru~t me, and in the evening took me on his lap and told me stories of heroes and good men who lived long ago. He instructed me to obey my parents, to be kind to my friends, to keep my tongue quiet, to be humble, not to steal, nor lie, nor flatter. He loved. me very deeply, very intensely, and very affec­tionately. Oh, I could not forget what he did for me." Of himself he writes : -" I was obedient to my parents, and, as they early taught me to do, served gods made by hand with great reverence. I strictly observed the days of my an­cestors and departed friends, and went to the grave­yards to worship their spirits. I often rose up early in the morning, went to a temple which was at least three and a half miles from home, where I worshiped the gods, and returned promptly, reaching home be­fore breakfast. I did that not only because I ex­pected some blessing from the god, but that I might receive praise from my parents and neighbors .... When Commodore Perry came to Y edo Bay and forced us to open the port to the American people, we desired very strongly to expel him from the coast, though we had not any means to do so. We had


