
32 EARLY LLF'E. mentary question on his part, but to me it was a question of no small interest. He went off on his way quickly, and I my own, without saying anything definite on the subject. But soon after the separation a thought flashed on me like lightning, that I must not miss this OI)portunity for going to Hakodate, and from thence attempt an escape to a foreign land. Then the ques­tion was how to avail myself of this opportunity. I knew almost too well that my prince would not give me permission to go so far as Hakodate. I thought then the most feasible way to exeeute my object would be to secure the favor of the Prince Matsuyama, the owner of the schooner, before I said anything either to my prince or to my parents. vVithout coming home I went directly to a confidential counselor of the prince to ask him to secure the prince's favor for me, to €,rive me a free passage to Hakodate in his ves­sel. He was much pleased to see me, as I was previ­ously acquainted with him, and presented the case at once to his prince in my behalf. The matter was ar­ranged with the prince that he should hire me to be employed in his vessel on her passage to Hakodate, and should a,.<;k my prince's leave that I might go. The prince complied with all my requests with great pleasure, and sent a messenger to my prince to ob­tain leave for me from his service. The messenger was particularly instructed by him to obtain a favor­able reply without the least delay. 0£ course my prince could not refuse this special request of Prince Matsuyama, and gave a favorable answer to themes· senger at once. This settled my case fairly, and no one could prevent my departure for Hakodate. " When the news reached my father he was utterly confounded ; and although he was quite unwilling to


