
326 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. mind remained clear to the end. On January 22d, he was told that he could not live, and was asked if he had any directions w give. He replied: "Not to­day; let me rest." The next morning he sent for the maps which he had been studying, and with these spread before him he explained his plans for the ex­tension of the mission work, and dictated the follow­ing messages: -"The object of the Doshisha is the advancement of Christianity, Literature, and Science, and the fur­therance of all education. These are to be pursued together as mutually helpful. The object of the edu­cation given by the Doshisha is not Theology, Liter­ature, or Science, in themselves; but that through these, men of great and living power may be t1·ained up for the service of true freedom and their country. "The trustees should deal wisely and kindly with the students. The strong and impetuous should not be harshly dealt with, but according to their nature, so as to develop them in to strong and useful men. "As the school gt·ows larger there is danger that it will become more and more mechanical. Let this be carefully guarded against. "Every care must be taken to unite the foreign and Japanese teachers together in love, that they may work without friction. I have many times stood be­tween the two and have had much trouble. In the future I ask the trustees to do as I have done. "In my whole life I have not desired to make an enemy, and I look upon no one with hatred. If, how­ever, you find any one who feels unfriendly towards me, please ask his forgiveness. I find no fault with heaven, and bear no malice towards my fellow-men. "The results which have been accomplished are not


