
DEA.TH OF MR. HARDY. 303 I am undisturbed by any visitor; my thought turns to Boston. My reflection about you and Mr. Hardy is taking hold of my heart very strongly. This is the fifth Sabbath since he left us, but with him it must be the continual Sabbath. We who are left behind weep and mourn, but he rejoices. All the mysteries here may be no longer any mysteries to him. How grand that must be ! While I am sadly missing him, and at the same time cheered up by the idea of his most holy, happy, and blessed state, I have a mixture of contrary feelings. We all feel we have lost the father of the Japan mission. Some sent me telegrams to console my sorrow, others wrote me letters to express their own. Now we have got to go on without his advice and support. At this critical hour I simply cry out, 'God help us.' I would like to write you some things I haYe observed in this island. At present I have no courage to do so. I have received your letter telling me of his most lov­ing memorial to me. Now I must say what a touching thing it is that he should remember me so far away as he did. I shall never, never forget it. Through God's help I will try to follow his example, and to hand over to my fellow .creatures as he has handed over to me. Doubtless your letter was written with many tears. So it is with mine. My heart is still burning like a volcano with all sorts of plans for our work. But my wife is my constant guard to check me and take away my control. She works like a policeman to remove my pens and papers, and requests visitors to cease their conversation. I told her that I cannot hide myself anywhere in Japan now, and I am thankful for it." " March 5, 1888. Our Christian work is gaining


