
296 1'0 EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. thoroughly for his position as a teacher in the new scientific department. In his journal, dated New Haven, he writes:~ "Will they be tired of this poor begging Japanese? I may die as an unceasing beggar for Japan. It is the whole burden of my soul." In Brooklyn and New York he had long conversa­tions with Drs. Storrs, Taylor, Behrends, and others, and raised considerable sums for the library and the purchase of scientific apparatus. At Washington he devotes twenty pages of his journal to conversations with Professor Baird and other officers of the Smith­sonian Institution relative to physical training in the Doshisha, the fisheries of Japan, and other scientific matters. At Baltimore he was the guest of President Gilman of the Johns Hopkins University. While at the home of Mrs. Walter Baker of Dor­chester, where he enjoyed a month of rest and quiet, he received the news of the baptism of Mr. Yama­moto, his wife's brother. "This," he says, "is start­ling news. How thankful I am I can hardly express. It will hne a great effect among the influential citi­zens of Kyoto." The summer months of 1885, Mr. Neesima spent at 1Y est Goulds borough, Maine, on the north shore of Frenchman's Bay. Mrs. Hardy had placed at his disposal a large and pleasant farmhouse which she had purchased as a retreat from the busier life of Mt. De­sert, and here Mr. N eesima found the rest and peace he so much needed. The house stood alone in a field sloping to the inlet. From its door one looked out over the islands of the harbor upon the shining waters of the bay and the distant summits of the mountains. These were days of restfulness, broken only by the


