
APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 291 Some of them gave us their hearty pledge to do their share. So we may possibly realize some gift just suf­ficient to support a few native professors. But it is beyond our expectation to receive a fund large enough to sustain even a few American professors. So if a few professorships should be given by some American friends to found chairs of Political Science, History, Literature, Philosophy, etc., it will help the cause grandly. Some people in this cotmtry may hardly realize how dangerously our shores are visited and washed by the strong tide of modern European unbe­lief. But to a native of the country, who has been seriously watching and observing the course recently taken by the people, the present time seems grave. The future battle in Japan may not be with any for­eign invaders. But it will certainly be between Chris­tianity and unbelief. Shall we remain at peace and unequipped because God would fight for us for his kingdom's sake? We fear He will not help us unless we do our part. It is the time for us to make an extraordinary effort to push evangelical work as well as Christian educa­tion in Japan in order to save her from corruption and unbelief. The American Board has done for us in the educational line as much as it can wisely do. Yet there remains much to be done in order to carry out our work more efficiently. The Lord's army must not be hampered there while the battle is fairly commencing. Strong means must be provided there in order to furnish to the field strong men from time to time. Now who will step forth in this grand republic of Amer-ica to render us timely help to save us from this impending national calamity? Here may be some


