
HONGKONG. 249 sionary work in Canton in 1807. Bishop Burdon came to Hongkong in 1853. He has charge of St. Paul's College, about thirty pupils. His diocese ex­tends from Foochoo to Hongkong. No self-support­ing churches in China this side of Foochoo. The bishop has five pupils to teach one hour a day. A slow process! One hUildred people belong to his church; one hUildred people for thirty-one years' labor! He says the missionaries have not yet dis­covered a way to reach the higher Chinese classes. They are too proud of their own ways, and are not anxious to adopt western science or manners. In fact there is no movement among the higher classes to­wards European civilization either in social or politi­cal matters. Those who receive an education abroad have no voice. I see nothing in favor of the Euro­pean way. It is discouraging to educate the Chinese, because they come to get. English only and having got this, go away into business. China is honeycombed with secret societies,. The people are tired of the gov­ernment. If they found a capable leader they would rise. In one sense they are all united against foreign­ers, but it is almost safe to say that there is no public spirit among the Chinese. They are discontented with the government. They have an instinct for taking care of themselves. There are no public baths like ours. Being so filthy it is wonderful t!ley are so thrifty. They are the Oriental Jews. HONGKONG, April15. We left Nagasaki on the 8th inst. and had fine weather and calm seas nearly all the way to this place, which we reached on the 12th. I called on Rev. C. R. Hager, a missionary of your boa:rd, who secured a


