
URGED TO VISIT AMERICA. 245 was a serious matter for me to decide. In the first place I feel it too great an offering. It ha.s been my attempt thus far not to place myself on a footing with the missionaries lest I should prove a stumbling-block to my native brethren. In the second place the anti­foreign party might sharply criticise my going to America. But after serious consideration I have con­cluded to accept your great favor and visit you once more. I feel there will be no least objection on the part of my native brethren. Some eminent men in the empire outside the churches heartily sanction my going. My friends at Osaka urge me strongly to go. I came here yesterday and my friends are all glad of this great opportunity for my sake. It is not my usual custom to write on the Sabbath, but yesterday I found occasion to speak to two eminent men on re­ligious matters, and I feel I ought to write you at least a line to thank you. Dr. Berry urges me strongly to start from here at once, but I have some­thing on my hands to be attended to first. FROM MRS. NEESil\l.A TO MR. AND MRS. HARDY. To my two revered personages I desire to present this letter. While I was much perplexed on account of the serious brain trouble of my husband, you kindly in vi ted him to come home to America. Though I think of the depth of your kindness like multitudes of mountains, I utterly fail to express it by my writing­brush. So I simply resort to God with my thanks­g'l vmgs. I request you still farther to look after him. Please give him an opportunity to take a complete rest this summer, for he will be very busy when he comes home, and here is no possible chance for rest. As he is planning to enlarge the school, his care and


