
CHAPTER VI. SECOND VISIT TO EUROPE AND AMERICA. ALTHOUGH relieved at this time from teaching and freed by his associates as far as practicable from ron~ tine duties, the general care of the school and his intimate connection with the work of the Mission ren~ dered it impossible for him to secure the needed rest. To his own health, however, he referred but rarely. In a letter of January 14, 1884, Mr. Hardy proposed his return to America via Suez, saying: "You allude merely to your health, but the Mission writes seriously of it; " and in the spring he was formally requested by a vote of the Prudential Committee of the Board "to take a furlough for such period as may be need~ ful." This proposition he finally accepted. "It has been very hard to get him started," writes Dr. Davis, "and we have been afraid that he would break down entirely before he got under way. The number of irons he has in the fire is amazing, and it has been almost impossible for him to find time to arrange for his leaving. As you value his life and w01k give him as long a rest as you can in Europe, before he crosses the Atlantic." In yielding to the solicitations of his friends Mr. Neesima wrote to Mr. Hardy from Kobe March 9, 1884: -KoBE, March 9, 1884. I am very much indebted to you for your kind in­vitation as to my return to my dearest America. It


