
RELATIONS WITH HIS ASSOCIATES. 235 Christian schools in Tokyo. We shall get learned persons enough within a few years, but mere worl(lly wisdom will not help our perishing people. We need the broadest culture and strongest Christian faith to counteract the downward tendency of our educated youth. The works of Spencer, Mill, and Draper are their favorites. They look down upon us as bigots. We must raise our standard of educa­tion until they can no longer assail us. If we limit it simply to theology, the best self-sustaining students will not come to us. Only by making our school at­tractive by giving a good and broad education can we widen our Christian influence. Some of our dear brethren ha. ve got very strange notions, and think altogether too little of education." The personal friendship between Mr. Neesima and his colleagues of the Kyoto station was very strong. For Dr. Davis especially, who had shared his burdens from the outset, he felt the warmest affection, and re­peatedly ascribes success to his tact, courage, and counsel. He writes to Dr. Davis August 12, 1880: "I must assure you we cannot get along without you. Doubtless the many troubles you have encoun­tered these past years broke you down completely. I hope you will take the matter slightly easier and try to rest as much as you can. The mission work in Japan is not like child's play. You have many trou­blesome boys under your care. I fear I am one of them. What I feel keenly in myself is my impru­dence in many things. Certainly it must have been a. great trial to you. But I trust an imprudent child such as I am may grow wiser as he grows older. At any rate it is well for us to remember that the world cannot be converted in a day."


