
DEATH OF HIS SISTER. 233 could find a hope in the eternal heaven. I am desir­ous to go there even now.' She d1·eamed much of persons in white singing beautifully, and since then has become very fond of singing, asking every Chris­tian visitor to sing for her. Then she shook their hands and bade them farewell till they meet her in heaven. Two minutes before her death she asked my wife to sing one or two hymns, then passed away as if she were going to sleep. It happened I was away that morning. When I came home I found her countenance already changed, but she replied to me once when I called her name. I was unwilling to go to our school that morning, because there was such change in her face, but she said 'No, go, do your duty.' We miss her very much, but the very thought of her makes us feel that heaven is very near." In November, on returning from Annaka, he re­ceived from Dr. Clark the glad tillings that the year's appropriation of $8,000 had been placed in the hands of the native society which he represented, to be used under his direction for the educational work in Kyoto. The rehef from all embarrassments with the govern­ment afforded by this action wa.<> very great. To Mr. Hardy he writes December 27, 1879:-"I found your last letter on my arrival home. When I read it I exclaimed, 'The good Lord has done it!' My rejoicing was mingled with rtmning tears. I knelt down before the Lord with my wife and Him our heartfelt thanks. Next to the Lord, I must express my gratitude to you for your deep interest in us. I must also thank the gentlemen of the Board. Through this action I shall be relieved from grave difficulty. Step by step the plots of our enemies are defeated. 'Delight thyself in the Lord


