
APPEAL TO THE BOARD. 227 the city, yea,-all our effort thus far put forth will disappear like morning dew before the sun. Seeing such a dark prospect before me shall I lament like the old prophet Jeremiah? No, I am determined not to lament, but to fight through till we conquer. May God help us, untiring soldiers. Since I heard from Mr. Mori I have been seriously thinking how toes­cape the governor's iron hand. We are badly spoken of throughout the country and ridiculed as the cradle of Christian priests. If we lose our hold here how can we start in the interior again? Our missionaries do not fully apprehend our critical condition. Doubtless some of them have written to the Board about it. Will the gentlemen of the Board stand and see us per­ish without any fellow-sympathy? Is the policy of the Board so conservative that it cannot give us a perma­nent fund from the large legacy they have recently re­ceived? In time of need it is often desirable to create a new policy in order to boldly carry out God's work. It is time for them to consider whether they will at­tack or retreat. If they do not understand my aim, if they be still incredulous, I will come to Boston to explain. I£ they do not grant me the fund I will pre­sent my cause to wealthy individuals in the States. I will become a public beggar from city to city. In my situation I would not cease begging as long as I can use my tongue or my pen. For Christ's sake and my country's sake I will become a loudly crying beggar. "In this connection I must mention the standard of our school. Our people are making a bold strike in educational affairs. The government institution of learning as well as some private schools are advancing above us. I£ we do not strive to improve we shall be


