
MISUNDERSTANDING AS TO SALARY. 213 "I thought it rather strange that you should do so without giving me any notice or explanation. At any rate, I said, if the Prudential Committee think it best that I should live on a least salary and has reduced it down, and you think so, it must be obeyed. As I remain your ever obedient son I would not do any­thing contrary to my father's will. I told it to my wife, we put our heads together, and consulted how to reduce our expenses. We said, 'cut short this and that, give up our farmer who works for us in our garden when we need him.' After reducing many things we thought we could live on that salary. I felt it rather hard at first, for besides ourselves I have my parents and one invalid sister, but afterwards I felt very happy exercising self -denial for Christ's sake. I have not asked any missionary a reason why my salary was reduced, nor expressed my feeling to any one. But lately, I found it rather hard to live on that reduced amount and asked Dr. Davis whether he had heard anything about it. He explained to me that the Board authorized me to draw $500 annually from the mission treasury, and the balance will be sent to me from you. Then I found out what a mis~ake I had made. If, however, you say live on $500, I shall say yes, and shall be very thankful for it. And if you be pleased to give me balance, I shall receive it with a grateful heart. I have adopted Apostle Paul's doc­trine: 'I shall be thankful for all things.' " Exhausted by his duties, in the summer of 1877 he sought rest with his wife at W akanoma, from which place he writes July 12th: -"We came to Osaka by rail, quiet fishing village by jinrikisha. miles southwest of Kyoto and is and hence to tnis It is about sixty somewhat warmer.


