
ORGANIZATION OF THE DOSHISHA. 199 be done to arouse popular prejudice, and on October 19th Dr. Davis entered Kyoto with his family. For~ eigners not being entitled to hold property beyond the treaty limits, a company consisting of Mr. Nee­sima and Mr. Yamamoto was formed, and the name Doshisha, meaning One Purpose, or One Endeavor Company was adopted. The school of eight pupils was opened with prayer November 29, 1875, in Mr. N eesima' s house. •• I never shall forget," says Dr. D~vis, "Mr. Neesima's earnest, tender, tearful words that morning." The regular exercises of the school were held in a building hired for the purpose. On December 4th the number of scholars was twelve, and during the winter increased to forty. This was a winter of trial and discouragement. The year was one of political disquietude and apprehen­sion, and the government was desirous of avoiding in every way whatever was calculated to rouse the ultra~ conservative spirit. The Hizen revolt, the agrarian disturbances growing out of the law requiring the pay~ ment of the land tax in money instead of in kind, the discontent caused by the pension commutation act, and the conspiracies of ChOshu, Akidzuki, and Ku­mamoto, foreshadowed the coming struggle with ex­piring feudalism, a struggle for which the authorities were preparing, but which they were anxious not to precipitate. The followers of Shimadzu Saburo, the haughty and powerful chief of the Satsuma clan, were at this time gathering in Kyoto, and a spark might fire the mine which had long been in preparation by the Satsuma leaders. On taking up their residence in Kyoto both Mr. Neesima and Mr. Davis had begun Sunday services in their house, preaching and teach­ing the Bible to audiences which within a few weeks


