
PLAN FOR A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. 169 reality, he referred to it as at this time only a day­dream. The importance of education as the hand­maid of religion, and the advantages to be derived by the Board iu its special evangelistic work from an institution whose courses of study should be pursued under Christian influences, were fully recognized. Still, education in itself was not the primary object of the Board, and its officers were reluctant to encour­age appeals for special purposes, however praise­worthy, at a time when the expansion of its regular work rendered increased contributions imperative. But it is evidence of Mr. Neesima's breadth of view and persistence of purpose that he should have con­ceived this project at this early stage, and in the face of fifteen years of difficulties and opposition carried it to a successful issue. Mr. Neesima was a true evangelist. In every circumstance, at every stopping­place in the journey of life, he spoke for his Mast&. His life is a record of personal endeavor. But he took no narrow view of duty or opportunity, was wedded to no single line of effort. He had pondered deeply upon the future needs of his countrymen. He knew their thirst for knowledge. He foresaw the ad­vancing tide of education; he wished it also to bear the seeds of a Christian faith. He belonged himself to a class whose intelligence and patriotism destined them to the control of their country's future. This class he wished to win over, and to accomplish this ho foresaw the necessity of an educated native ministry. In a communication addressed to the Prudential Com­mittee ten years later he said:-"Though the feudal system was abolished by tho late revolution, still the men of that (samurai) class are leading the nation. Their yonng generation,


