
MEMBER OF THE JAPAN MISSION. 167 has been somewhat poor; still it is improving now. I expect to remain unmarried some time. Respectfully yours, JOSEPH N EESIMA. In reply to the questions propounded in the manual of the Board for missionary candidates, he wrote : -'' In my view the leading doctrines of the Scrip­tures are : the existence of one true God, inspiration of the Scriptures; the Trinity; the decrees of God; the freedom of the will; the total depravity of man; the atonement; regeneration; justification by faith; the resurrection of the dead; the final judgment. I have not the least doubts respecting any of the doctrines cmr.monly held by the churches sustaining the missions under the care of the Board. My confidence in the reality of my conversion is in my growing trust in Christ and increasing sympathy with truth. My views of ministerial duty are to preach the gospel to the sal­vation of men. My desire to enter the ministerial work is due to the need of it in Japan, and my hope that I may be of some service in supplying that need. I expect to meet with some difficulties and trials; yet I shall count all joy, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his name. It is my purpose to give my life to this work." Mr. Neesima was thereupon appointed corresponding member of the Japan mission. He preached his first sermon from the pulpit in the church of Rev. E. G. Porter in Lexington, Mass., on May 10, 1874, choosing for his text the verse he so dearly loved (John iii. 16). On July 2d he graduated as a special student from the Andover Theological Seminary, in a class of twenty-one, and was one of nine speakers in


