
166 FIRST VISIT TO EUROPE. To THE SECRETARIES oF THE AMERICAN BoARD OF CoMl\ns~ SIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. ANDOVER, April 30, 1874. Dear Sirs, -Allow me to state to you a brief his~ tory of my early education, my later Christian experi~ ence, and especially my motive in offering myself to the missionary work in Japan. I was brought up in the faith of Buddhism, and was also instructed in the moral precepts of Confucius. Afterwards the former became offensive to me and the latter were unsatisfactory. Under these influ~ ences I became somewhat skeptical, notwithstanding at times I had some desire for something higher and better. In that state of mind I came across a Chinese trans~ lation of the Bible history by an American mission~ ary in China. Its expressive view of God led me to inquire still further after Him. With this purpose I was led to leave my home, and took passage for Amer~ ica. The Providence which ordered my way so far provided friends at Boston who have thus far sup~ ported me in my education. I date my conversion some time after my arrival in this country, but I was seeking God and his light from the hour I read his word. With my new experience was born a desire to preach the gospel among my people. The motive in offering myself to this work is my sympathy with the need of my country, and love for perishing souls and above all the love of Christ has constrained me to this work. I expect to complete my study this summer. I am not in debt at all. My health was quite good while in Japan, but since my arrival in this country it


