
162 FIRST VISIT TO EUROPE. June it would be just vacation time, and I may not accomplish a great deal there. So I am rather per­suaded to remain in Germany until the first of August. I received a good news from home about two weeks ago. My father and sister wrote me very pleasantly. He says in his letter how pleased he was with the news of my accompanying Mr. Tanaka, and says also his long anxiety for me is well paid by it. He went to Yokohama and received the money which I sent him from Boston. Since the Japanese feudal system is abolished and he is deprived of his possession in his prince's house, he has been living on what he has saved during his service. A missionary in Yokohama told him the story of Joseph, comparing him to this un­worthy ,Joseph. He says he came to Yokohama on a little carriage driven by man instead of horse. It is the present fashion of our conveyance. TO MRS. HARDY. ELSINGEN, GERlllANY, Attgu8t 6, 1873. I finished the second course of mineral baths at Wies baden two weeks ago and took my departure from that fashionable city for Friedrichsdorf, a small town not far from Homberg, to pay a visit to my old Berlin acquaintances. Most of the inhabitants are descend­ants of Huguenots and are still speaking their mother tongue. They read the French Bible and sing the French hymns. To my great surprise some of them could not speak German at all. Through my friends I was introduced to several Huguenot families, and was invited by them to dinner or supper every day of my stay. I was so pleased to see some of them cling­ing to the old faith, and keeping the Sabbath as their poor suffering fathers did, while the large part of


