
EXCURSION TO MT. VERNON. 135 March 29th. Yesterday Mr. Northrop, his daugh­ter, and her ft·iend Miss Page, accompanied us to Mt. Vernon. The weather was quite smoky in the morn­ing, but the report of the weather said "fair," so we had much courage to start on our pilgrimage to Amer­ican Mecca. ·while we were approaching the sacred spot the smoke was getting gradually cleared off and the sky was bluer and fairer. The breeze on the river was quite agreeable and charming. Finally we landed with hundred or more of our fellow-visitors. It was some time after one o'clock, so we sat on the front piazza of the general's home and took our lunches, which Mrs. Dr. Parker furnished for us. It tasted much better than splendid dinner which I had with embassy at Arlington House. AHer the lunch we went round the house and all the rooms. I saved a few leaves of that famous magnolia tree. Now I can proudly say that I have visited the Capital of the great republic and the tomb of the Father of Liberty. We shall leave Washington next Monday. Will you be kind enough to drop a line to Professor Tay­lor to inform him what I am doing here and get ex­cuse from him for my not coming back to the Semi­nary. May the Lord help me to keep myself very humble. TO :1\IR. AND MRS. FLINT. BosTON AND ALBANY TRArN, April 10, 1872. Since we left "\V ashington I am rooming with Mr. Tanaka. I have kept up my morning and. evening devotions in his presence. I become Sunday-school teacher to him. Of course he cannot read English Scriptures, but he has a copy of Chinese New Testa,. ment ; he reads it in Chinese and I read it in English, and explain to him what he could not understand.


