
COUNT KIDO. 133 invited General Eaton, my fellow-interpreter~ aml myself to dine with him in the room reserved for the chief ambassadors. I was soiTy no blessing was asked when we commenced our dinner. Mr. Kido is one of the strongest men in Japan, and has taken most prominent part in the last revolution of Japan in overthrowing despotic government of the Shogun, and establishing the new, healthier, and lib­eral government of the Mikado. His manner is very gentlemanly and agreeable. I had quite a chat with him at the table and behaved myself just as if I was talking with my fellow-students at the club of Ando­ver. I have been resting to-day for preparing myself for the coming Lord's day; for if I overdo to-day I shall not be able to enjoy the service of the Sabbath. We are going to leave vVashington next week to visit the schools of Philadelphia and New York, and we may possibly reach the Hub of the universe within three weeks. TO MR. AND MRS. HARDY. WAsHINGTON, D. C, March 28, 1872. Since I wrote you my two last letters I have made up my mind to accompany Mr. Tanaka to the Old World. I am so grateful for your kind consent and best wishes for my success. I would not go abroad unless I feel it may be good opportunity to promote Christ's King­dom to the heart of heathen nobleman and .r a pan. Mr. Tanaka is trying to fini;,h visiting the schools and institutions s:> as to leave Washington within five days. He is quite anxious of seeing and knowing the ,good American family life and "'ished me to inquire you whether yon could find some private family at Boston where he could see and leam the true American life.


