
126 SEMINARY COURSE AT ANDOVER. is very well educated man in our way and well ac­quainted with my old teacher. He feels very friendly to me and wished me to go to Europe with him to examine their school system. He knows my health is rather poor and ad vises me to take a short trip to Europe. He says if I should go there with him he would pay all my expenses and give me certain com­pensation for services. He would treat me as his friend, not as his under-officer, and would give me leave to return to America at any time. He says he would go to Europe as soon as he get,c; through visit­ing the schools in the North, and would ,c;tart before the embassy proper, and take pains to examine the systems of England, France, and Germany. I told him plainly all my history, what poor fellow I was when I arrived at Boston; to what kind. hands I have fallen ; how I have been supported. I told him espe­cially my great obligation to you, and that I am your minor and cannot decide on the matter without con­sulting with you. He was much pleased with my narration and wished me to write you soon as possible to get your advice, or rather permission. Mr. Mori told me the same thing some time ago. He says it is my choice ; I can either accept or refuse. The em­bassy will respect me as a free .Japanese citizen. He thinks it is a rare opportunity. I spoke it to several individuals here; they say it is my golden opportunity. I am much perplexed with this free and rare offering, and almost inclined to go to spend this spring and summer in Europe for my health, and also for widen­ing my information. As I said before, I am your minor. I would not do anything unless I get your approval or consent. Please make consideration with your wisdom and sagacity and tell me what I shall do.


