
124 Sl!.'lriiNARY COURSE AT ANDOVER. students in the foreign countries than the minister llimself. The topics discussed to-day may not inter­est you much, therefore I will not write you about them. My principal mission is to wt·ite an essay on "The Universal Education of ,Japan." I think it i8 a most important mission. It will be handed to the embassy and probably may be some service for open­ing the country to the light of truth and life. Pray for this untiring soldier of the blessed cross, for I feel my active battlefield has come within my sight. I am ready to march for·ward, not asking whether my powder is dried or not, hut trusting simply and be­lieving only that the Lord of Hosts will help me to do my duty. Mr. Mori is ever friendly to me. TO MR. AND !\IRS. HARDY. GEORGETOWN, D. C., }[arch 15, 1872. This is the very first time here I see the clear blue sky and bright sunshine. I am feeling quite cheerful and stronger than ever before since my arrival here. I went to the Legation this morning, to attend the meeting of the Japanese students. I stayed there some time to hear them speak, but their view was entirely impracticable, and I was not interested in such child's play at all. I excused myself before the meeting was dismissed and called on Mr. Eaton, the Commissioner of Education, who promised the Jap-­anese commissioner to take him to a private female school only a short distance from his office. Then Mr. Eaton accompanied us, the Japanese commis­sioner, his two under-officers, and myself, to the school. Mr. Eaton introduced us to the lady teacher and then gave us seats. Very soon the exercises be-


