
112 SEMINARY COURSE AT ANDOVER hope you will rejoice with me, because it does seem me that the Lord is going to make my path plain. I brought back quite a number of geological speci­mens from New York and Canada. They are my property. I feel quite rich now. TO MR. H~DY. ANDOVER, September 27, 1871. You have asked me to give you a translation of the passpor!; sent from the Japanese government. I think I will take the passport with me to Salem next week where I may expect to see you. I have 11everal other papers sent to me with the passport; I will ex­plain them all to yon when I see you. I heard from my father again this morning. His letters have been sent to me by a private conveyance thus far, but his last letter came to me through the hands of the Japanese minister of foreign affairs. He says in his letter that, in the first part of last May, the govern­ment did send an officer to his prince to inquire whether there was such a man by the name of Nee­sima in his home who disappeared in such a time. He went away having ascertained everything. A few days after that a paper was sent to him and its con­tents was as follows : "It is permitted by the govern­ment to Neesima Shimeta to remain and study in the United States of America." I am sure it must have given my poor father a great gratification. He did not know thus far how I should get home safely, knowing that I broke the law of the country by run­ning away, and was expecting me to come home secretly as I did run away. Now he knows that I can go home safely and at any time, and desires me to come as soon as I can. He thinks I am ordered


