
110 SEMINARY COURSE AT ANDOVER. verse on this single morning. I have no skill to de­scribe the grand scene with a figurative language. I am like a practical Yankee and my remark is wonder­fully plain. I have no inspired mind or pen, as see the following : -Arise, 0 sleepy Slln. Do not tarry, 0 lazy sun! For ou a top of Berkshire hills I am standing, Standing alone, and for thee I am waiting. TO MRS. HARDY. ANDOVER, September 17, 1871. Since I returned here I was intending to write you again, but I have been unusually busy these past two weeks and unable to describe to you my journey still farther. I had very rich experiences on my journey, and would be glad to narrate to you some of them, but I will not undertake to do it just now. On my return here I found a letter from my old teacher, and was informed by him my brother's death. He did not describe hDw he died, bnt simply informed me his death. He advised me to come home, for my father would be very lonely without me. Having been in­formed by a Japanese student who entered into Phillips Academy this term that there is a Japanese at Boston Highlands who came from Yedo ve1·y recently, and was once a pupil of my old teacher, accordingly I went to Boston about two weeks ago to see him, in order to ascertain by what manner or by what disease my brother did die. But he could not give me any infor­mation about his death. I stop}Jed with that ,Japan­ese friend two days, and had very enjoyable Sabbath with him and Mrs. Captain Taylor. I called on Mr. Hardy, Jr., in State Street on Monday to get a letter from home which he spoke of a few days previously.


