
CHINESE AT NORTH ADAMS. 107 m from east side. The inside of it was very dark, damp, and chilly. I wore a woolen coat, and an oil­coat, in order to keep myself comfortable. I did not make any long stay in the tunnel lest I might be in­jured by the dampness and low temperature. I met the instructor of schoolship in Boston harbor at the tunnel, and accompanied him to central shaft. The men could not work at all in the shaft on account of much water, and were simply dipping out water by the means of steam-engine. It will be 1,030 feet deep when it is completed. I suppose you know all about the tunnel, but please let me draw for you a section of the mountain to illustrate the tunnel. I passed the night on that wild romantic mountain. I rose very early the next morning, breakfasted hastily, and left at hal£ past four o'clock. The morning air was so cool and the mountain breath so very gentle, yet invigorating, I might take a double quick to go over the mountain. But the scenery was so grand, splen­did, and beautiful, it made me to stop my feet every five or ten minutes. The morning dawn awoke up those sleepy birds on the mountain tops to sing mel­ody for a lonely traveler. The white and silvery fog arising from every valley appeared like the Mer de Glace on the Alps. Although I was alone I found many companions round about me, on my right, left, above, and beneath. Everything in nature seemed to welcome me, and joined me in praising the Maker of alJ things. I was alone, yet not alone. I reached North Adams some time before six o'clock. I felt somewhat afraid to go to the place so early in the morning lest I might be taken for a " heathen Chinee." But I went in and came out from the place without any difficulty. I paid a visit to those


