
90 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DA l'S. have done for me. I wish you would give him are­ply, at least a few lines, and if you please, I will translate yours into Japanese. I think it will please him greatly. TO MR. AND MRS. HARDY FROM NEESIMA'S FA'l'IIER. YEDO, February, 1869. Though I have not known you personally I will write to you a few lines. I suppose you arc enjoying your good health, though the weather is still cold, and I am glad of it in your behalf. "\Vhen my son Shimeta came over to your country desiring to obtain some knowledge, you did sympa­thize with him and hearkened his request so kindly and sent him to a school, promising him that you would supply all his wants while he is in the school. So you have already supplied his wants without any lack during the past years. I could not express my joy and thanks neither by pen nor paper for what you have done for him. Though I myself and all my fam­ily have felt very grateful for your kindness, and talked over of you most every day, yet I have not written to you at all. It condemns my conscience greatly that I have neglected it thus far. Though my son is not very bright yet I expect he will become a reputable man through your kindness and I rejoice greatly in his behalf. I humbly entreat you now that you would continue your mercy on him while he remains in your country. I have also the great obligation to your wife for what kindness she has shown to him. I have felt somewhat proud and spoken often of myself "what happy man I am r" for my son has fallen into such good hands as you are. I have been talking and wishing to come over to your


