
EXCURSION TO WHITE MOUNTAINS. 81 paper. She said very kindly, 'I would not let Chris­tian man sleep in our barn.' After a few conversa­tion she took me to a handsomely furnished bedroom and brought me all things which are necessary. I had very sweet rest and sleep more than eight hours. The next morning she gave me nice breakfast, also many tracts and small pocket hymn-book. I doubt not she is good Christian lady. Also that young man gave me ride to the village about a mile and half. Some people are so liberal and good to such a stran­ger. On his way down the Connecticut valley N eesima passed through Hanover, and with his characteristic habit of seizing every opportunity attended a lecture at the medical school then in session. Professor Oli­ver P. Hubbard, on the way to his morning lecture, met the young pedestrian and mistook him for one of the St. Francis tribe of Indians from Canada. He was about to accost him when N eesima inquired for the professor of mineralogy. Professor Hubbard then introduced himself and invited Neesima to his labora­tory, where the latter exhibited the minerals contained in his satchel and watched with interest the prepara­tions of the assistant. After the lecture was con­cluded, he courteously took leave and resumed his journey. TO MRS. HARDY. September 19, 1868. Regard to $10. which I obtained from fur­niture, I do not know where it has gone. It disap­peared very strangely. I kept it in my trunk, but it is lost somewhere. I am sure no one could steal it


